Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting That High Paying Oil Job

Getting That High Paying Oil Job
By []Frank Cullen

Landing an oil job means one thing, good payday ahead. Consider this; an average salary for the gas job is around $50,000. This means a regular worker will receive at least $40,000 in a year for jobs in oil, although it may vary depending on the company, location, industry and one's experience. This is more than what one can get in aviation industry which is considered to be the next high paying job.

Pursuing a career in oil industry requires one to have a good technical knowledge especially in offshore and dry land drilling. A degree in engineering, specifically in the field of mechanical engineering, is usually required considering that most oil jobs involves machineries. Another requisite for some gas job is a good background in the field of chemistry. Mostly, oil job is not all about drillings and rigging, it also requires an extensive knowledge in chemical composition of oil. This will also be a good field to pursue for chemical engineers and chemist alike.

Oil job is not only open to those who are highly skilled individuals with know how on different subjects pertaining to oil industry. Average worker may also apply for any job openings in gas operation. For most qualification, machine operators are usually required as well as those who have already experienced in mining industry can also be one plus factor in landing a gas job.

Other fields of expertise are also welcome in oil jobs. The most important of them all is one who is involved in the field of safety. Safety engineers or practitioners can fill up the gap for the need of safety which is quite a critical factor in this type of job where a fault can turn into a terrible loss. Pertaining to safety, a good number of medical practitioners are also needed especially when the site has lots of workers. Most government regulating bodies requires every industry to have sufficient medical staff in order to cater the needs of onsite workers. For this reason, anyone who has a field of expertise in medical field, with special mention to medical physician, can pursue their career in oil jobs.

While oil jobs can promise a better pay for pursuers in this field of endeavor, it also requires one to have the courage to do so. Working in an oil job has the combined risk of aviation and maritime jobs. Even a simple technical glitch can be very catastrophic which the reason it really pays a lot. Although hazard is prevalent, still, there has been minimal to none that has been reported due to gas explosion cases except during the Gulf War where it cannot be avoided. However, a peace time accident in oil industry has never been reported. For this reason, oil jobs have least likelihood of accidents to occur.

One can find oil jobs by looking at some online job placement websites for gas job recruitment. Some oil companies are also putting their vacancies in their websites where one can send their CV's and credentials easily. With a better promise ahead, oil job is one of the most coveted industries one can pursue.

Frank Cullen is MD of Oil and gas vacancies. The company is a leading Job Board providing job availability for []oil gas jobs, []gas jobs and
oil and gas job vacancies.

Article Source: [] Getting That High Paying Oil Job

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