Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting That High Paying Oil Job

Getting That High Paying Oil Job
By []Frank Cullen

Landing an oil job means one thing, good payday ahead. Consider this; an average salary for the gas job is around $50,000. This means a regular worker will receive at least $40,000 in a year for jobs in oil, although it may vary depending on the company, location, industry and one's experience. This is more than what one can get in aviation industry which is considered to be the next high paying job.

Pursuing a career in oil industry requires one to have a good technical knowledge especially in offshore and dry land drilling. A degree in engineering, specifically in the field of mechanical engineering, is usually required considering that most oil jobs involves machineries. Another requisite for some gas job is a good background in the field of chemistry. Mostly, oil job is not all about drillings and rigging, it also requires an extensive knowledge in chemical composition of oil. This will also be a good field to pursue for chemical engineers and chemist alike.

Oil job is not only open to those who are highly skilled individuals with know how on different subjects pertaining to oil industry. Average worker may also apply for any job openings in gas operation. For most qualification, machine operators are usually required as well as those who have already experienced in mining industry can also be one plus factor in landing a gas job.

Other fields of expertise are also welcome in oil jobs. The most important of them all is one who is involved in the field of safety. Safety engineers or practitioners can fill up the gap for the need of safety which is quite a critical factor in this type of job where a fault can turn into a terrible loss. Pertaining to safety, a good number of medical practitioners are also needed especially when the site has lots of workers. Most government regulating bodies requires every industry to have sufficient medical staff in order to cater the needs of onsite workers. For this reason, anyone who has a field of expertise in medical field, with special mention to medical physician, can pursue their career in oil jobs.

While oil jobs can promise a better pay for pursuers in this field of endeavor, it also requires one to have the courage to do so. Working in an oil job has the combined risk of aviation and maritime jobs. Even a simple technical glitch can be very catastrophic which the reason it really pays a lot. Although hazard is prevalent, still, there has been minimal to none that has been reported due to gas explosion cases except during the Gulf War where it cannot be avoided. However, a peace time accident in oil industry has never been reported. For this reason, oil jobs have least likelihood of accidents to occur.

One can find oil jobs by looking at some online job placement websites for gas job recruitment. Some oil companies are also putting their vacancies in their websites where one can send their CV's and credentials easily. With a better promise ahead, oil job is one of the most coveted industries one can pursue.

Frank Cullen is MD of Oil and gas vacancies. The company is a leading Job Board providing job availability for []oil gas jobs, []gas jobs and
oil and gas job vacancies.

Article Source: [] Getting That High Paying Oil Job

Applying For an Oil Job

Applying For an Oil Job
By []Frank Cullen

A good payday ahead is stored for you if you will be pursuing you career in oil jobs. A regular oil job can promised you to a high paying job starting at $ 40,000 in a year. With better payday ahead, it will always be an exciting job. Aside from that, oil industry is the most stable industry considering that the demand of oil is constant and increasing. This means, a lot land and on-shore drilling are taking place every now and then.

You will be having an option as to which kind of drilling site would you like to work for a gas job. For land drillings, pays are always based in regular basis. On the other hand, offshore drilling is quite a good paying job. On the average, offshore drilling oil jobs pays more than double the amount in the land drillings. However, you must consider some job factors like the hazard and the stay in an offshore site which usually last for a month. The job factors can be quite stressful for some, but always promises to pay the price for what one has gone through.

Readying to apply for an oil job requires one to prepare some of the basic requisites for an applicant. First of all, there should be the CV or resume, certificates for job completion or seminars, and lastly, passport if it requires one to go outside one's country.

Preparing One's Resume for Oil Jobs

In every job you will be applying, you always have to get a good consideration on the job requirement especially if you are applying for jobs in oil industry. Gas jobs are very critical, for this reason, applicants need to be scrutinized if they qualify for the job.

In preparing your application for a gas job, you need to know the following factors:

a.) Needed Knowledge and trainings for the opening oil job
b.) Minimum required experience for the position
c.) Related past experiences

It is always a good idea to put these factors as the highlights of your resume. You can forget the other credentials you have for as long as you will be having these factors in order for you to be spotted by recruitment in oil gas.

Always make your credentials an important attachment. However, you also need to show some performance factors in order for you to be gauged for that qualification in high paying oil jobs. This can be shown by highlighting some achievements and awards you got in your previous stint. In this way, oil job recruiters will spot always put you in their shortlist.

Looking for an Online Oil Job Recruitment

Nowadays, it is easier to post your application online especially if you are vying for a position in a gas job. With high paying oil jobs at hand, there are number of oil jobs recruitment website which promises you a very juicy paydays ahead. They seem to be so good to be true. In reality, many of these websites are lures.

One way of determining if an online recruitment website for oil job is legit or not is by looking at their terms and condition when you apply. You can tell one a fake if they go beyond what is expected for a pay in oil jobs. Later on, these oil job recruitment sites will let you pay a high recruitment fees. Well, in reality, websites should not let you pay for it because it is the oil company that usually put their advertisement for oil job vacancies on a website to pool some applicant. It is always wise for you, as an applicant for that oil job, to be prudent before engaging yourself on those lucrative promises.

Frank Cullen is MD of Oil and gas vacancies. The company is a leading Job Board providing job availability for []oil gas jobs, []gas jobs and
oil and gas job vacancies.

Article Source: [] Applying For an Oil Job

Fulfilling Your Needs For Perfect Oil & Gas Recruitment

Fulfilling Your Needs For Perfect Oil & Gas Recruitment
By []Robart Alex

With the ever expanding requirements in the industrial sectors today the needs for gasoline products and gasses have also increased manifold. The enterprises therefore require not only skilled but very highly skilled manpower that can effectively run their projects. A reliable agency will serve such enterprises in getting the technologists that are required for running the project perfectly through its highly efficient Oil & Gas recruitment process. Such agency will recruit the competent candidates with proven caliber so that the clients won't have any complaints regarding this.

If the recruiting agency is dependable, then the companies will rely on them for Oil & Gas recruitment of candidates that can generate petroleum gas, kerosene, petrol, diesel, naphtha, and lubricating oils etc. Such recruiting agency can satisfy the clients with all types of recruitment including Oil & Gas recruitment, transport recruitment, aerospace recruitment, or construction recruitment etc. Since skilled employees are required at every level, the support of the recruiting agency comes up very handy.

Not only recruitment through the reliable and efficient recruitment agencies will be effective in getting the best skilled hands but such recruitment process is profitable as well. Remember; class engineers and technocrats are the requirements of the oil and gas refineries. At the same time they also require efficient experts for human resource management, engineering operations, socialist designs and they can also be recruited by the same agency that is entrusted with the responsibility of Oil & Gas recruitment. They have the necessary expertise for selecting the right person for the right job.

Refineries will mostly remain keen for completing the staff requirements and this requires the active participation by the recruiting agencies. Normally a good recruiting agency will remain very stern in maintenance of the quality in the manpower recruited since they are highly concerned about their goodwill. Some of the essential steps they take for recruiting the best hands are checking the validity of each of the papers that the candidates produce during the interviews. The agency that can perform the process the best way will be the one that would gain the appreciation of the clients. Such Oil & Gas recruitment is profitable for the clients because the recruiting agency stands guarantee for each selected person for a specific time span. They also take the responsibility of repatriation from overseas locations.

That is why most of the refineries depend on the recruiting agencies for fulfilling their manpower requirements. Reliable agencies have full proof recruiting systems and they can clearly distinguish the credibility of each of the persons that is being interviewed. Examinations dished out to prospective candidates are often tougher than ordinary ones and only capable aspirant can pass the Oil & Gas recruitment tests successfully.

We recruit truly skilled personnel for every level of the oil & gas refineries and other related works as []trasport recruitment, aerospace recruitment throughout Oil refineries. You will not regret trusting us for the []Oil & Gas recruitment for your enterprise. A reliable agency like can truly cater to all your requirements. For more please log on to now.

Article Source: [] Fulfilling Your Needs For Perfect Oil & Gas Recruitment